ChadGPT is our utility token that will be burnt to pay for using the app.
Contract Address
100,000,000 (100 Million)
Token Distribution
5% Vested Team Wallet
5% Marketing Wallet
Team Wallet: 0x90Ff684de7032450c2DB2f1299c76907578445fD
Marketing Wallet: 0x77d97F4b4DE130E445d99E054426B5F3aCB147fA
90% Locked Dex Liquidity
Lock link:
Buy Tax: 3%
Sell Tax: 3%
Tax Distibution
2% goes directly into the LP 1% goes into the api wallet to fund api reqs
Deflationary Mechanism
Users will have to burn tokens for them to become usable in the app, meaning the more the app is used the lower the supply becomes.
API Wallet
At the end of every month this wallet will sell the exact amount of tokens required to cover the cost of the API requests.
Last updated