⚙️How to use

How to get started

Purchase our utility token $CHGPT on uniswap.

Connect wallet to our website: https://www.chad-gpt.app/

Inject (burn tokens).

Wait for block confirmations to be credited a usable balance.

Choose your character and enjoy!


We have implemented a burning mechanism making the token deflationary, this decision was made due to being on Ethereum mainnet. This saves our users from having to pay unnecessary gas fees besides buying/selling/burning tokens.

We monitor the amount of our utility token each address has burnt, and then we subtract from this balance depending on the length of your questions and responses. This means that you will only need to redeposit if you have completely exhausted your burnt balance. The minimum burn amount required is X tokens, and your remaining balance will be easily viewable within our application. Burning tokens is irreversible, and you will only be credited usable tokens if you burn via our app.

Tweeting conversations

After launch we will be adding functonality for users to tweet their favourite conversations on our twitter account through our app, this will be in image format similar to coinfessions.

Image integration

We currently are testing a few gigachad trained photorealistic stable diffusion models and are open to adding image functionailty to our website in the future if this is something the community would want, this would also subtract from your burnt balance for image generations.

Last updated